Local Volunteer Work Days are Back!
With safety measures in place, we were able to kick-off our local home repair projects with the help of dedicated volunteers. Our most recent Neighbors Helping Neighbors local volunteer work project required two work days supported by the home owner, volunteers, and...
“Creating New Economies Fund” Grant Award
CHC Staff and Board are honored to have been awarded funding with approval from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation through the Conservation Fund’s Resourceful Communities program and look forward to leveraging it to continue assisting with the increasing housing needs...
Dogwood Health Trust Immediate Opportunities and Needs Grant Award!
CHC is pleased to announce it has been awarded the Immediate Opportunities and Needs (ION) Grant through Dogwood Health Trust to support our initiative "Into the Future: Strategic Direction and Roadmap to Action for Greater Impact." CHC Staff and Board of Directors...
Eats and Drinks for Equal Housing
As our communities are hit by Covid-19, we are reminded to support our local businesses in any way possible to help the owners and their employees still receive income, while they strive to find creative ways to provide safe service to our community! As we are...
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Sponsorship
CHC would like to thank Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation for sponsoring the February 22nd Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) Local Volunteer Program! Each month, CHC coordinates with local volunteers to help repair a neighbors' home in the Madison County...