Keeping Madison County Residents Safe and Healthy in Their Homes
At any point in time, CHC is working with more than 100 Madison County households somewhere in the process of:
- Application for assistance processing
- Assessment by CHC programs staff for eligibility (see below), scope of repair needs and holistic view of circumstances contributing to the need for assistance
- Referral to social services and Madison County agencies that support non-home repair needs of the applicant
- Determination of available programs that will best serve the needs of the applicant, if eligible
- Scheduling and facilitation of the home repair and rehabilitation
- Inspections of completed repairs and client satisfaction assessments
Eligibility: All applicants must meet at least these two basic requirements, regardless of the program ultimately determined to best suit their needs:
- Applicant income must be less than 80% of AMI (Area Median Income)* for NC, and,
- Applicant must be a resident of Madison County.
Other factors that are considered in assessing applicant eligibility are: urgency of need, applicant age, disabilities, veteran status, children in the home, age of the residence, and of course, available funding.
* Annual Income Qualification Limits for Madison County Residents

How To Apply
1. Download the Application and fill it out completely. Then, email treva@chcmadisoncountync.org with “Request for Assistance” showing as the subject line) or mail to us at the mailing address below.
2. Email CHC with “Request for Assistance” showing as the subject line) and your complete mailing address and phone number and we will mail you an application.
Then, send the completed application to us by email or mail to the mailing address below.
Call 828.649.1200 to request an application.
If you get voicemail, please leave your full name, address, and phone number, and request for an application so that we can mail one to you.
Then, send the completed application to us by email or mail to the mailing address below.